And as Paralyzing and Upsettting as All the Never Agains Were Goodreads

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Never Again Quotes

Quotes tagged as "never-again" Showing 1-25 of 25
John Green
"And as paralyzing and upsetting as all the never agains were, the final leaving felt perfect. Pure. The most distilled possible form of liberation."
John Green, Paper Towns

James Baldwin
"No matter how it seems now, I must confess: I loved him. I do not think that I will ever love anyone like that again. And this might be a great relief if I did not also know that, when the knife has fallen, Giovanni, if he feels anything will feel relief."
James Baldwin, Giovanni's Room

J.R. Ward
Turning at the soft sound of her name, she glanced behind herself. Then frowned. "Lassiter?"
"I'm over here."
"Where?" She looked all around. "Why is your voice echoing?"
"I'm stuck in the fucking chimney."
She raced over to the fireplace and got on her hands and knees. Looking up into the dark flue, she shook her head. "Lass? What the hell are you doing up there?"
His voice emanated from somewhere above her. "Don't tell anyone, okay?"
"What are you—"
An arm came down. A very sooty arm that was encased in a red sleeve that had white trim. Or what had been white trim and which was now smudged with ash.
"You're stuck!" she exclaimed. "And thank God no one lit this fire!"
"You're telling me," he muttered in his disembodied voice. "I had to blow out Fritz's match like a hundred times before he gave up. Fuck, that sounds dirty. Anyway, just remind me never to try to be Santa for your kid, okay? I'm not doing this again, even for her."
Mary stretched a little farther in, but the logs on the hearth stopped her. "Lassiter. Why can't you free yourself by dematerializing—"
"I'm impaled on a hook that's iron. I can't go ghost. And will you just take this?"
"This." He turned his hand toward her and there was…a box…in it? A small navy blue box. "Open it. And before you ask, I already cleared it with your pinheaded hellren. He's not jel or anything."
Mary sat back and shook her head. "I'm more worried about you—"
Taking off the top, she found a slightly smaller box inside. That was velvet. "What is this?" As she lifted the lid, she…gasped. It was a pair of diamond earrings. A pair of perfectly matched, sparkly, diamond…
"A mother's tears," Lassiter's slightly echo-y voice said softly. "So hard, so beautiful. I told you everything was going to be all right. And those are to remind you of how strong you are, how strong your love for your daughter is…how, even in the worst of times, things have a way of working out as they should."
Blinking away tears, she thought of her crying in the foyer in front of the angel, crying because all had been lost. "They're just beautiful," she said hoarsely.

-Lassiter & Mary"
J.R. Ward, Blood Vow

Iris Murdoch
"And now she had run into an emptiness more final than any words of rejection. He was gone and would make himself a stranger to her for ever."
Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine

Paul Rusesabagina
"A sad truth of human nature is that it is hard to care for people when they are abstractions, hard to care when it is not you or somebody close to you. Unless the world community can stop finding ways to dither in the face of this monstrous threat to humanity those words Never Again will persist in being one of the most abused phrases in the English language and one of the greatest lies of our time."
Paul Rusesabagina, An Ordinary Man: An Autobiography

John Green
"All along, I kept thinking, I will never do this again, I will never be here again."
John Green, Paper Towns

"And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment
And I gotta convince myself
I don't want it even though I do"

"Founders never leave our memories for they leave indelible footprints on our minds. They give us the reasons to look back and ponder. They give us the reasons to look forward with the hope and aspirations to beating their footprints of distinctiveness. Their mistakes are our lessons and the reasons to reason."
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Jim Butcher
"Never again. Tell them that. Never again. Or Hell itself will not hide you from me."
Jim Butcher, White Night

E.M. Forster
"No, it is better not to risk a second interview. I shall always look back on this talk with you as one of the finest things in my life. Really. I mean this. We can never repeat. It has done me real good, and there we had better leave it."

"That's rather a sad view of life, surely."

"Things so often get spoiled."

"I know," flashed Helen. "But people don't."
E.M. Forster, Howards End

Andrzej Sapkowski
"My first noble deed. You see, they'd told me again and again in Kaer Morhen not to get involved in such incidents, not to play at being knight errant or uphold the law. Not to show off, but to work for money. And I joined this fight like an idiot, not fifty miles from the mountains. And do you know why? I wanted the girl, sobbing with gratitude, to kiss her saviour on the hands, and her father to thank me on his knees. In reality her father fled with his attackers, and the girl, drenched in the bald man's blood, threw up, became hysterical and fainted in fear when I approached her..."
Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish

"But the murderous hatred of the Nazis, their will to destroy, was apparently stronger; too many people, moreover, stood silently by and watched the Nazi machine grind on. "The little man is just as guilty, otherwise the people of the world would have risen in revolt long ago!" Anne realized. "There's in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage" (May 3, 1944; ver. A).

The Nazis and their silent helpers could take Ann'es life from her, but not her voice. "I know what I want, I have a goal, have an opinion, have a religion and love. . . . If God lets me live, I shall attain more than Mummy has ever done, I shall not remain insignificant, I shall work in the world for mankind" (April 11, 1944, ver. A). In the end, the Nazi terror could not silence Anne's voice, which still rings out for all of us, whom she had hoped so ardently to serve."
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

"Little by little, new details about atrocities committed against Jews kept making their way into the annex. Some were doubted, others confirmed, but they still did not provide a coherent picture. On the last day of March 1944 Anne wrote again about the atrocities Jews had to fear. In concise, detached language she reports the unimaginable extent of the National Socialist madness. "Hungary is occupied by German troops. There are still 1 million Jews there, so they too will have had it now!" (March 31, 1944; ver. C). Within two months, Adolf Eichmann had half a million Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz. Almost all of them died in the gas chambers."
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

"The Franks' decision to go into hiding was not, however, an unusual one. Of the Jews living in Holland between 1942 and 1943, twenty thousand and perhaps as many as thirty thousand—the estimates vary widely—saw going into hiding as their only alternative to deportation. "We are quite used to the idea of people in hiding, or 'underground,' as in bygone days one was used to Daddy's bedroom slippers warming in front of the fire," Anne noted (Jan. 28, 1944; vers. B/C). But the way the Franks went into hiding was by no means typical. Most families separated, with the parents entrusting their children to the care of organized resistance groups. They drummed new family names into the chilren's heads, names that didn't sound Jewish, and arranged for them to live with people who—at least to the children—were utter strangers. The adults sought out other refugees. Most married couples had to separate. Very few of those who went into hiding could rely on the kind of loyal, well-organized team of helpers the Franks had, selfless people whom they had known for years and who not only provided them with essentials but also stood by them as friends, even bringing them gifts on their birthdays and holidays."
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

"Anne Frank was only one of the Nazi's victims. But her fate helps us grasp the immense loss the world suffered because of the Holocaust. Anne has touched the hearts and minds of millions; she has enriched all of our lives. Let us hope she has also enlarged our horizons. It is important for all of us to realize how much Anne and the other victims, each in his or her own way, would have contributed to our society had they been allowed to live.

To my great and abiding sorrow, I was not able to save Anne's life. But I was able to help her live two years longer. In those two years she wrote the diary that gives hope to people all over the world and calls for understanding and tolerance. It confirms my conviction that any attempt at action is better than inaction. An attempt can go wrong, but inaction inevitably results in failure.

I was able to save Anne's diary and thus make her greatest wish come true. "I want to be useful or give pleasure to the people around me yet who don't really know me," she wrote in her diary on March 25, 1944, about one year before her death. "I want to go on living, even after my death!" And on May 11, she noted: "You've known for a long time that my greatest wish is to become a journalist someday and later on a famous writer."

Through her diary Anne really does live on. She stands for the triumph of the spirit over evil and death.

A note by Miep Gies, Amsterdam, January 1998"
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

"The Franks, it seemed, had emigrated just in time. The Reich's Law of Citizenship of September 15, 1935, had declared Germany's Jews aliens in their own country. They were not even second-class citizens; they were last-class citizens, unable to vote. That same day the Nuremberg Laws were promulgated to "protect German blood" from all "alien blood." In the interest of "preserving the purity of the German nation," the Nuremburg Laws spelled out in detail the definitions of "Aryan and Jewish, half and quarter Jewish, related to Jews by marriage, and racially pure."

To discriminate against Jews, to persecute them, was thus legally sanctioned. Germans were now free to indulge their bigotry and hatred knowing they were in compliance with the law, a reassuring feeling for people with a strong traditional respect for governmental authority."
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

"On May 10, 1933, National Socialist student groups marched "against the un-German spirit" and burned "un-German writings" in street actions designed to attract publicity. By now it seemed inevitable that the Franks would emigrate to Amsterdam. "When the Jews write in German, they lie," the Nazis had proclaimed. The works of Thomas, Klaus, and Heinrich Mann, of Arnold and Stefan Zweig, of Kurt Tucholsky, Erich Maria Remarque, and Franz Werfel, not to mention the Communist writings of Marx and Engels and the books of Bertolt Brecht and many others, were tossed into the flames in many German cities to the accompaniment of shouted slogans; it was as though the demonstrators wished to burn the authors themselves at the stake.

Otto Frank's favorite poet, Heinrich Heine, whose poem "Lorelei" every schoolchild knew by heart, was declared a nonperson. In future textbooks, "Poet unknown" would replace the name of Heinrich Heine, a poet who had written a hundred years earlier, "Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings."
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

"The first volume of Mein Kampf appeared in 1925, the second in December 1926; from 1930 on, the two parts were available as one book. Otto Frank leafed through Mein Kampf and had read a few passages in it. 'No nation can rid itself of this plague [the Jews] except by the sword,' Hitler wrote. 'Such a process is and always will be a bloody business." At the beginning of World War I, the German government should have 'exterminated the Jews mercilessly'; Germany would not have lost the war if 'it had gassed 12,000 or 15,000 of them.' Like Lieutenant Otto Frank, Adolf Hitler had been awarded the Iron Cross in World War I.

How much longer would this man be allowed to promulgate his madness? Otto wondered. How far would people let him go? When would they realize what his intentions really were? What if he actually came to power? What would become of the Jews then? Would the Franks still be safe in Germany? Would Hitler be able to deprive them of their livelihood? There was only one thing Otto felt absolutely certain of and stressed repeatedly to his family and friends: We must not allow this man to deprive us of our German identity. If only the economy would finally pick up."
Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography

Helen Oyeyemi
"While waiting for her to phone me at school I'd feel seconds bursting inside me and leaving clouds. That won't come again—it can't. I'll never have that with anyone else. I'll never even come close."
Helen Oyeyemi, Mr. Fox

Iris Murdoch
"Perhaps that was the only time which we should ever, ever have together. Perhaps it was something which would never, never, never come again."
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Deborah Landau
"worry never another summer
never again to live here gentle
with the other inhabitants"
Deborah Landau, The Last Usable Hour

Eoin Colfer
"Well, am I forgiven?'
Butler sighed. On the chaise lounge, Juliet snored like a drunken sailor. He smiled suddenly.
'Yes, Artemis. All is forgiven. Just one thing…'
'Never again. Fairies are too… human."
Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl

Bangambiki Habyarimana
"We say never again while we plant the same seed that will make it happen again"
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

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